Tuesday, October 12, 2010

See graph below . . . . .

I don't want to undersell this but I must be the best teacher of all time. Completely generated the graph below, on my own, and found a way to upload it into the blog. I am awesome. True story. One time I tried to not be awesome. It didn't work. I was just as awesome as ever. Another true story.

Sometimes it hurts being this awesome. I had to see the doctor. Diagnosis????? . . . . . . . . bad case of awesome. No cure. Everyday is a struggle trying to be average, so I just end up being more awesome.

You're welcome.


  1. wow... you're a little too modest, wouldnt you say, you don't give yourself enough credit... let me know if there if there is anything we can help you with since you are stuggling with awesome

  2. Know yourself before you can know your enemy.

    Sounded deep didn't it?

  3. I wouldn't use the word awesome. It lowers the awesomeness of one such as yourself.

  4. So remember in class how you were saying those who are cool dont advertise it...

  5. Yes AW, I said that, but sometimes one must speak for the nonvocal majority who believes this about me. I am their sounding board.

  6. so, i'm reviewing for tomorrow and doing my shirt... you use awesome 6x in a single tiny post.... just thought i'd let you know
