Monday, October 18, 2010

Ooops, meant to post this about multiple deposit expansion

<{[Deposit - (rr%*Deposit)] * 1/rr%} + $ of OMO>

Any questions?

Please know what part correlates to Max change in money supply, max change in Loans in banking system, initial change in excess reserves and the Reserve Ratio


  1. you forgot to post what me and matt asked you to... the thing about which graph can lead to the next... does that ring any bells or do i just sound loony?

  2. Yeah, about how for fiscal you use Aggregate model, philips curve and loanable funds and for monetary you used investment demand etc.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Coach I'm not gonna be able to make it tomorrow morning to make up that test actually because-as much as i hate to admit it- i wont have a ride to school that early tomorrow.
