Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome To AP Macroeconomics

Howdy. I have designed this blog for two really important reasons. The most important being a forum for my students to ask important questions in a collaborative environment and the other being my willingness to embrace and flex my technology savvy muscles. You're welcome. Please log in and leave any comment below* so that I know that you are aware of this resource and are engaged in your own learning. You may also tell others taking the class that they may use this resource as well.

*This blog is associated with course work in a high school setting so please make sure your comments are school appropriate. Anything discussed here can be held to disciplinary action. Thank you.


  1. Hello, this is Megan Myers

  2. Howdy, this is Nathaniel Lammons

  3. Ola, this is Sriharish Vangavolu...u can call me Harish. But I'm pretty sure that was already on ur attendance list. All right. Good deal. Nice website.

    Harish out.

  4. Thanks Harish. I'm glad you approve!

  5. Still missing some folks. Remember this is for a grade

  6. Hello! It's Aleischa Kronshagen :D

  7. Howdy!! This is Sarah Farnan...
    and Gig 'Em!

  8. Thanks for a great semester, Coach!
