Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Other Test Questions?

If you are dying to know the answer to any of the test questions please leave a comment and I will answer them below in that section for you. If you believe they deserve their own post, please note that and I will scan in the question and get after it. Thanks and hopefully you proved you have learned something so far. If not, no big deal. Just hope you break your leg. . . . . . Just kidding. . . . . . . . . Maybe. . . . . . . . . . . I don't know*.

*Coach is not responsible for broken legs. Do not sue as I have no money. That is all.


  1. I don't remember exactly what it was called, a circular flow something?

  2. Multiple choice question. OK thanks I will look that up for you and post the question and the answer. Basically it is a question asking about the flow of money through our system.

  3. Which of the following is true according to the circular flow model?

    Answer - Three economic actors demand and supply money into the product and resource markets.
