Saturday, September 3, 2011

Questions for test?

Your test will be on Tuesday so this is your opportunity to ask for clarification on any issues that you have found during your studying adventure. Please remember that you were to have read the topics listed on your syllabus for the first unit in your textbook (the green cover McConnell and Brue). Topics for free response should be limited in the fields of PPF, Comparative Advantage, Supply and Demand and FOREX. The multiple choice will be open to all of these topics in addition to those basic economic concepts listed on your syllabus.

Please post comments below or just comment to tell me that you are fine and well prepared for Tuesday. either way I would love to hear from you. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the term 'Curves and Determinates' on the syllabus, is that just talking about changes for the supply and demand graph(like change in demand, supply, or price)?
