Sunday, August 21, 2011

Please Log In and Comment

Please complete your first assignment by logging in and posting a comment to this post. It will be an easy way to ensure that you have visited the blog and are familiar with its set up.

Please log in and say howdy. Introduce yourself and tell me a little about what makes you, you!

Also, if you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one thing with you what would it be and why. You may assume that the basic necessities will be available for you (i.e.- food, water, shelter, etc.).

Thank you and have a nice day.


  1. Hey Coach Owens! My name is Taylor Schwarzberger and I am going to be in your first period class this year. Upon graduation I hope to attend A&M and pursue a degree in the medical field. If I was stranded on a desert island I would bring a swimsuit to make the most fun out of the situation:)

  2. Howdy! My name is Rebecca Mentzer and I am also in your 1st period. My faith is very important to me and I am the President of STORM, a Christian club at CP. I am going to attend Texas A&M and complete a joint degree which includes a major in Economics and Masters in Public Service and Administration. I am passionate about serving others and, as such, plan on devoting my life to helping break the cycle of poverty through economic empowerment. I would bring a sailboat so I could sail home!

  3. Howdy Coach Owens, I'm Kathryn Carr and I'm in your first period too! What a coincidence. I'm vice president of Student Council and I'm planning to attend either LSU or A&M to major in biology or engineering. Still in that decision making process...but I would bring a book because I'm a nerd and love to read.

  4. Hey there Coach Owens, I'm Sarah Merritt and I'm in your... yup, you guessed it, first period, too. I am planning to attend UT Austin to obtain a degree in the medical field, maybe... I'm not positive yet. I laugh a lot, and my laugh is really loud- just a warning. If I were stranded on an island, I would bring Harry Potter so he could use magic to get me anything else I wanted. ;)

  5. Hi! My name is Kaileen and I'm in your first period class. I would like to do something with journalism one day and I am a CP newspaper co-editor and I am an intern at the Villager. If I was stranded on an island, I would probably bring a private jet or an unlimited supply of Jamba Juice.

  6. Hello! My name is Maya Cantor and I am in your first period class. I do not know where I want to go. But, if possible, I want to master my french and go to school in France or elsewhere in Europe. I love to travel and have been to many countries. I am not entirely sure what I want to do but I want to study International Relations. I love European History!

  7. Hey Coach Owens! My name is Zane Ritchie and I am in your first period class. I plan on pursuing a degree in engineering at the Colorado School of Mines or the Air Force Academy. If I was stranded on an island I would probably bring my little brother, he is a great companion.

  8. Hey Coach Owens! I'm in your first period class and my name is Alex Bass. I in band and track at CP this year. For college I plan on going to UT and double majoring in Russian Studies and Foreign Policy. If I were stranded on an island I would bring my friends because they would make being stranded fun.

  9. Hey Coach Owens! My Name is Dana Swift and I am in your first period class. I'm in Color Guard and Orchestra and love to travel. I do not know exactly where I want to attend college yet. On a stranded island I would bring a huge collection of books.

  10. Hey coach Owens! my name is Juan Fajardo and I'm in your first period class. I play football and I plan to major in either chemical or nuclear engineering or both from the university of Texas or even Stanford if I can get in!

  11. Howdy Coach Owens, my name is Harrison Berwick. I plan on double majoring in mechanical engineering and buisness at MIT. When not doing school work I enjoy playing the Bass or working on my music compostions. Additionally I am a team member of Texas Torque Robotics where I build,engineer,and compete robots. If I were stranded on an island, I would bring the cast of Monty Python.

  12. Hello! My Name is Elise Reader. Soccer is my life, I am going to play at the University of Louisiana Monroe and hopefully major in medicine. If I was stranded I would bring a put together boat, because if I had an assembled boat I wouldn't be stranded

  13. Hi Coach Owens! My name is Molly Halpin, Im in your first period class. I love to play in band, I aspire to do preform for the rest of my life. If I was stranded, I'd probably want a chocolate bar. :)

  14. Hey Coach Owens i'm Bridget Murphy! I want to go to UT Austin, im obsessed with it and i used to want to study political science and then become a lawyer and senator, but now maybe i want to be a doctor.. no clue. And i'd bring a jet

  15. Hey Coach, my name is Layton Zinsmeister. I am a basketball and a baseball player and dont have much spear time. If i was stranded on an island i would definitely bring some tanning lotion and my swim suit so i would become bronze!

  16. Hey Coach, this Dustin Stone (the guy who uses the toilet. I am a football player and I also run hurdles in track! I live faar away so I don't have that much time, but I try to make time. If i was stranded on an island I would be like laylay and bring my swimsuit and tanning oil, and of course margaritas!!!

  17. Hi Coach Owens, this is Shade Anselm and I will be in your first period class this year. I'm in orchestra and I love to read. After high school I plan to attend community college for two years and then attend Berklee School of Music. If I was stuck on a island I would bring skin protection.

  18. Hey Coach Owens! My name is Lindsey Vines and I am in your first period class. I am a cheerleader! I plan on going to Texas State majoring in education and also hopefully cheering. If I was stranded on a island I would bring music and tanning lotion!

  19. Sorry I'm late. It's Reed Watson from first period. I really want to go to Caltech and major in Physics or Computer Science. If I was stranded on an island I would bring some books, probably.

  20. Hey Coach Owens I'm in your first period like everyone else! I play tennis and I want to go to UT. If I were stranded on an island I would bring a trampoline.

  21. Howdy!...Howdy!...I said Howdy G** D***** hehe TAMU all the way. I'm in your first period as well. At school I run Cross Country, BE AWESOME AT MASCOTING, I am also a Student Council officer, and have a heavy course load this year. I would bring a volleyball and name it Wilson so i can have a best bud :)

  22. Hey Coach Owens i am in your first period class. In college I plan on studying mechanical engineering. If I was stranded on an island I would bring a fully functional boat so I could leave if I wanted.
