Thursday, August 25, 2011

Comparative Advantage

Newland - 10 cloth, 2 food
Beeland - 10 cloth, 1 food
The table above shows the production possibilities of two nations that are producing cloth and food, using equal amounts of resources.
A1 - Calculate the opportunity cost of producing a unit of cloth in Newland.
A2 - Calculate the opportunity cost of producing a unit of food in Beeland.
B1 - Which nation has the comparative advantage in cloth production?
B2 - Which nation has the comparative advantage in food production?
C - Now assume that the productivity of Beeland's workers triples for each good.
C1 - Which country has a comparative advantage in food production?
C2 - Explain how you determined your answer.
*Taken from the College Board released free response questions

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Please Log In and Comment

Please complete your first assignment by logging in and posting a comment to this post. It will be an easy way to ensure that you have visited the blog and are familiar with its set up.

Please log in and say howdy. Introduce yourself and tell me a little about what makes you, you!

Also, if you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one thing with you what would it be and why. You may assume that the basic necessities will be available for you (i.e.- food, water, shelter, etc.).

Thank you and have a nice day.

Welcome Class of 2012

Welcome Class of 2012. This AP Economics course will go into great depth on the backbone and structure of our Capitalist system. This blog will be an excellent resource for you to get questions answered and review important themes that my have been neglected during class times. We have a very aggressive schedule that will require some out of class time study. This will be an excellent way to keep track.

I am glad you have selected this course. Its gonna be a fun ride.